“Anglican Religious communities are found all over the world. Their life of prayer and ministry is a strong witness to the Christian faith they all share. The vocation to this life of service takes many forms but what unites the monks and nuns, brothers and sisters, is the commitment to follow Christ in love in community.”
The client provided the content, and we designed and developed the site. It includes a directory of communities that can be searched and filtered on seven different dimensions, as well as a mix of public and private content.
I want to say how pleased I am with what you have done! It is straight forward and has clean lines and is easy to navigate – that will help all who want any information.
So far I have had responses from three of the members of the ARLYB editorial committee – and they are all enthusiastic (‘very good’, ‘excellent’, ‘wonderful’ are some of the adjectives)! So your handiwork is being admired.